C5 Story 1 – Ruth

The story of Ruth Bible Passage: Ruth chapter 1 The little book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells a story of someone who had a sad life at the beginning but a happy life at the end Here is a video about this week’s...

C4 Story 4 – The 2 Travellers

The 2 Travellers Bible Passage: Luke 24v13-35Key Verse: Luke 24v26 Ever had your hopes built up and then dashed and you’re left feeling sad and disappointed?  That is how the 2 people in our story this week felt after the death of the Lord Jesus…that was...

C4 Story 3 – Joseph

The story of Joseph Bible Passage: Matthew 27: 57-66 After Jesus died on the cross, a rich man called Joseph asked Pilate for His body. He wanted to bury Him. As soon as Joseph got the body, he wrapped it in clean linen cloth. He put it in a new tomb which belonged to...

C4 Story 2 – Pilate

Pilate Bible Passage: Matthew 27v1-2 & 11-31Key Verse: Matthew 27v22 Pilate was the Roman Governor in the land of Israel and he was faced with the biggest choice of his life – would he release Jesus or deliver Him to be crucified.  He knew the right thing to...

C4 Story 1 – Judas

The story of Judas Key Verse: Matthew 26v15 Bible Passage: Matthew 26: v14-16, v36-50 The time was coming when Jesus would be put to death. One of His disciples, called Judas, went to Jesus’ enemies. He promised to lead them to where Jesus would be, so that they could...

C3 Story 4 – A Rich Young Man

A Rich Young Man Bible Passage: Mark 10v17-23 A young man who was very rich wanted eternal life and came running to the Lord Jesus.  He came to the right person but did he really want eternal life more than anything else?  Listen to the video to find...